BSA Bankruptcy

Filed Feb 18th, 2020


As stated in the
Boy Scouts bankruptcy plan.

82,209 CLAIMS WERE FILED IN the Boy Scouts Bankruptcy filed February 18th, 2020 and before the deadline November 16, 2020.

11,000 ADDITIONAL FUTURE CLAIMS projected during Boy Scouts Bankruptcy hearings that will be from current Boy Scouts members and those that didn't before the bankruptcy deadline.

Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse
Claims by Abuse Type

82,209 Bankruptcy Claims filed from February 18th, 2020 up to the deadline on November 16, 2020.
Most Severe
% of
1. Penetration 24,539 30%
2. Oral Sex 18,856 23%
3. Masturbation 13,022 16%
4. Groping 17,138 21%
5. Touching (Unclothed) 1,879 2%
6. Touching (Clothed) 1,294 2%
7. Unknown/Unconfirmed 3,817 5%
8. Missing 1,664 2%

Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse
Claims by Abuse Type

Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse
Claims by Year

Year Claims
2020 (before Bankruptcy) 10
2019 20
2018 37
2017 47
2016 45
2015 38
2014 63
2013 62
2012 89
2011 93
2010 133
2009 147
2008 169
2007 179
2006 207
2005 234
2004 260
2003 345
2002 371
2001 386
2000 538
1999 577
1998 682
1997 685
1996 802
1995 828
1994 876
1993 939
1992 1,001
1991 1,016
1990 1,175
1989 1,173
1988 1,229
1987 1,293
1986 1,397
1985 1,496
1984 1,508
1983 1,586
1982 1,723
1981 1,639
1980 2,054
1979 1,826
1978 2,206
1977 2,245
1976 2,421
1975 2,538
1974 2,874
1973 2,785
1972 2,934
1971 2,487
1970 2,975
1969 2,457
1968 2,681
1967 2,281
1966 1,724
1965 1,666
1964 1,641
1963 1,457
1962 1,323
1961 1,096
1960 1,294
1959 980
1958 855
1957 785
1956 594
1955 576
1954 459
1953 412
1952 317
1951 234
1950 255
1949 152
1948 118
1947 118
1946 89
1945 59
1944 55
1943 40
1942 38
1941 30
1940 16
1939 12
1938 10
1937 6
1936 2
1935 6
1934 2
1933 2
1932 1
1931 1
1930 3
1929 0
1928 1
1927 0
1926 0
1925 0
1924 0
1923 0
1922 0
1921 0
1920 1
1919 0
1918 0
1917 0
1916 0
1915 0
1914 0
1913 0
1912 0
1911 0
1910 0
1909 0
1908 0
1907 0
1906 0
1905 1
1904 0
1903 0
1902 0
1901 0
1900 0
Total 76,293
The Boy Scouts Bankruptcy has
82,209 Child Sex Abuse Claims.

How Many Does It Take?

Before the entire
Boy Scouts of America
is Completely Shut Down?!?