Councils, As defined on the Boy Scouts website...
"A council is a voluntary association of citizens, including representatives of organizations that are chartered by the Boy Scouts of America, to promote the Scouting program within a geographic area. There are four major functions involved in achieving the purposes of a council: membership, fund development, program, and unit service. These four functions and all other responsibilities are accomplished in each council in a manner that is consistent with local conditions and circumstances."
# | Name | State | |
144 | Abraham Lincoln Council | IL | |
Aheka Council | NJ | ||
3 | Alabama-Florida Council | AL | |
583 | Alamo Area Council | TX | |
382 | Allegheny Highlands Council | NY | |
104 | Aloha Council | HI | |
303 | Andrew Jackson Council | MS | |
157 | Anthony Wayne Area Council | IN | |
468 | Arbuckle Area Council | OK | |
92 | Atlanta Area Council | GA | |
368 | Baden Powell Council | NY | |
220 | Baltimore Area Council | MD | |
574 | Bay Area Council | TX | |
635 | Bay-Lakes Council | WI | |
695 | Black Hills Area Council | SD | |
449 | Black Swamp Area Council | OH | |
6 | Black Warrior Council | AL | |
660 | Blackhawk Area Council | IL | |
204 | Blue Grass Council | KY | |
604 | Blue Mountain Council | WA | |
551 | Blue Ridge Council | SC | |
599 | Blue Ridge Mountains Council | VA | |
436 | Buckeye Council | OH | |
617 | Buckskin Council | WV | |
509 | Bucktail Council | PA |